Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My "ToDo" List


-fix up my resume! (make it sparkle, put in some graphics, make it more art oriented)

-contact The Mill Creek Farm, Greensgrow
-Volunteer, photographing, contacting "The Metro"or "Philebrity"
-contact farmers from the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
-How long do people work there? Would farmers be comfortable having a photographer on the farm working on a project?
-Find magazines/newspaper/websites/galleries interested in publishing work dealing with farming
-Look at the other end? Chester county (SCCRAP), Camden county, Industrial farming?
-Again, find magazines/newspaper/websites/galleries interested in publishing.

-Contact Erika Larsen. I'm interested in the style of work she produces and how she lives and what she photographs. She is living on a reindeer herders in Scandinavia.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


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Haley Richter

My photo
Photography major at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. Likes to be outside. Likes border collies. Refuses to wait in lines.