Thursday, June 16, 2011

Photographic update

Rachel's Food For Thought

Monkees of Folk

The Suburbs (just a little mini series I'm working on)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I was on the fence about purchasing dynalites this summer. I've decided I'm getting them. It'll probably have to be before I move, just so I don't put it off any longer.

I've helped my mother's boyfriend, Frank, who is a real estate agent. He's asked me to help him be his real estate photographer. I've been helping him since high school, but it's nice that he always turns to me when he gets a house to sell. It's nothing to make a profession out of, but something nice to put on my resume.

I've also been asked to take pictures for Rachel Broscoe's website and business, Food for Thought. Rachel is a caterer in Ardmore who mostly works for Temple Shalom in Broomall. I've helped her cater events in the past and she has asked to help me photograph some of her dishes.

One thing I have noticed from working at Whole Foods as a Bakery Retail team member is that I've gained a lot more "customer service" skills. Which does really help if I want to do more freelance photography. I'm moving up from a part time Bakery Retail Team Member in the Callowhill store to a part time Demo team member in the Wynnewood Store. I moved because I miss the suburbs, I miss trees and quiet. I only applied because it was the first opening. Turns out, being in demo is a little more higher up then I thought. I don't know if I'll be getting a raise, I know my hours will be cut which interferes with the whole saving up during summer idea. But who knows! Maybe because I'll be apart of the "Admin" team of Whole Foods Market, I'll be able to use my photography there.

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Interview With Photographer Erika Larsen

HR What made you interested in taking photographs of nature and these lifestyles and how did you first go about it?

EL I have always had a strong connection to the natural world and it is the place where I have always felt the most alive.
My interest is in people connected to the natural world and their ability to reveal its language.
So I continue to create my stories immersed in nature.

HR Did you go to school for photography?

EL I studied at Rochester Institute of technology and received a BFA in Photographic Illustration and then I received an MFA in Computer Graphics/Animation.

HR What were you doing with photography after you graduated?

EL I moved to New York City and work as a photo assistant for about a year and then after that started on my own as a magazine photographer.

HR I also find it interesting that being a photographer is such a technological career and you take photographs of places and people that are the very opposite. Have you found a way to personally incorporate the two into your life?

EL I have never seen creating images as a technical career. Using a camera is one way I have chosen to tell a story because I have always regarded my camera as a sort of magic, using the light, to help me see that which I cannot with my own eyes.

HR On the Women in Photography website, about the Sami people you say, “It is a place where man has learned to adapt to the environment that surrounds him rather than adapting the environment to him.”
Do you feel like you can relate to this?

EL Yes, I believe as a storyteller I adapt to the surroundings around me and allow the people and environment to work through me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

So. It all started with this idea that I was going to take my aunt's parrot's feathers to make earrings out of them and sell them. Searching for the prices of macaw feather earrings on the internet I stumbled upon this beauty.

an artificial bald eagle for only $30.

I'm thinking about using it for my photograph referencing Goya's The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters.

They also have little owls there too. I'll probably get one of those as well and use Goya's motif as "wise" owls in my images. But I really would also like to use the eagle as a symbol of America. (after all, I am critiquing it).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Chad States

Saw this guy's work at Vox Populi's on the first Friday of March. As someone who loves photographing trees in relation to humans, I love this guy's work.

Chad States.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Los Caprichos v2.0

An idea for my senior thesis is to take these prints and similar ones from series by Francisco Goya, "Los Caprichos"

I want to use the same imagery and borrow the same compositions but through photography using props and costumes that reference a timelessness but also our current time period. I want to bring attention to our consumerist society and showing the flaws big government and big business have on our society while we blindly follow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



super fast and super easy to set up. and it looks nice!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Page for Art of the Garden

My page for this Art of the Garden Show at the Haverford Library on April 8th to the 21st. woo

Saturday, March 19, 2011


-Art of the Garden at Haverford Library - Buy 5 16x20 Frames, print 5 prints, make bio page , make tags for 5 prints

-Junior Portfolio - Pick 20 images to use print 20 images

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tomorrow's Agenda

- Submit images to Art of the Garden show
(While working at Whole Foods tonight I ran into the woman who's picking the images for the show, she said even though I'm late she'd most likely pick some of my images because she heard of my Cathedrals show up in Havertown)

-Select images to print for Junior Portfolio review

-Re-print selected images for Juried Show to fit into frames

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shadi Ghadirian

Her Bio and statement from :
"Shadi Ghadirian was born in 1974 in Tehran, Iran. She is a photographer who continues to live and work in Iran. Ghadirian studied photography at Azad University (in Tehran). After finishing her B. A., Ghadirian began her professional career as a photographer. Currently, Ghadirian works at the Museum of Photography in Tehran.

Her work is intimately linked to her identity as a Muslim woman living in Iran. Nonetheless, her art also deals with issues relevant to women living in other parts of the world. She questions the role of women in society and explores ideas of censorship, religion, modernity, and the status of women. Her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries across Europe, and the U.S.A. She has also been featured in print and electronic media (including the New York Times, Photography Now, the Daily Telegraph, the BBC and others). Her work is in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, among others."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Artificial Light

Light makes beauty.
Man doesn't let beauty sleep.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Where you do all your "best" thinking.

Dynalights, Reflected Light

I checked out some dynalites over the weekend. I wasn't satisfied with the results, but I did get a pretty good feel for them and feel comfortable using them. I really wish I had a grid to snap on the lights though.



Keristin and I also used some reflective light for some photographs 2 weeks ago:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My dream blog...also

I'm organizing my photos as well as my dreams! I'm attempting to gather all my dream journals (from 2007 to now) and put them all on this blog! They're a little scattered right now. And it's going to take a while. What I like best is the tagging system. People get to see if I dreamt about them!

Dreaming Haley

Monday, February 14, 2011

How to cope with working and going to college

How do you deal with going to art school full time plus working 30+ hours a week at a retail job? I have to work to go to school, pay for this stupid apartment, and eat. I don't have time to do homework all the time because I have to work to pay for school. But if I don't do my homework, am I wasting my savings?

update on cathedrals series: I don't know how I feel about it. Image below. I'm attempting to incorporate the effect of man onto nature into my work. This image doesn't do it.

Cathedrals Easy to Hold

I guess this one is a little closer to what I'm looking for.

Easily Destroyed Cathedrals

Plastic Bagged Cathedrals

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carson Fisk-Vittori

Carson Fisk-Vittori's website!

Portal, 2007

Sunset, 2008

Venus Ad, 2009

These works inspired me in which direction to take my my project I have in mind. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

more to come from Erika Larsen


Yes..that would be fine!
I just need a week or so to answer the questions...I am very busy at this week with work through next Monday.

Send the questions when you can I will get back as soon as possible.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

update of my to do list

My "to do" list is changing. I'm not too sure what I want to do with it. I guess I need to stop looking at what I want to do after college and look at what I need to do now. I still want to volunteer at Millcreek garden, and I'll still take photos. It'll just have to wait till spring comes. :\

more concrete and reasonable things are

-Get D90 , take videos
-make a website
-jazz up art resume
-E-mail Erika Larsen
-Get together images to submit to Senior Photo

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My "ToDo" List


-fix up my resume! (make it sparkle, put in some graphics, make it more art oriented)

-contact The Mill Creek Farm, Greensgrow
-Volunteer, photographing, contacting "The Metro"or "Philebrity"
-contact farmers from the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
-How long do people work there? Would farmers be comfortable having a photographer on the farm working on a project?
-Find magazines/newspaper/websites/galleries interested in publishing work dealing with farming
-Look at the other end? Chester county (SCCRAP), Camden county, Industrial farming?
-Again, find magazines/newspaper/websites/galleries interested in publishing.

-Contact Erika Larsen. I'm interested in the style of work she produces and how she lives and what she photographs. She is living on a reindeer herders in Scandinavia.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


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Haley Richter

My photo
Photography major at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. Likes to be outside. Likes border collies. Refuses to wait in lines.